Парламент Северной Осетии просит Россию признать независимость Южной

Дорога в Цхинвали. Кадр "Вестей"
Парламент Северной Осетии просит Москву признать независимость Южной Осетии. а проект обращения проголосовали все депутаты парламента. В ближайшее время обращение будут направлено руководству страны.
18.01.17 Правильно. Вот если бы Грузия пророссийской была, а Осетия тянулась на Запад, тогда бы мы хер Грузии предложили! Например, Басаев - благородный борец за самоопределение. А Какойты - подлый сепаратист!
18:24:32(Написано анонимно)
Я что-то мысль вашу не уловил.
его мысли дурно пахнут - не сожалей, что не уловил
даже в обе руки-чтобы голова не качалась
Видно не ВСЯ,мудило 20.00,а только северная и единственная осетия! http://www.lenta.ru/news/2006/11/30/president/
ВСЯ! Запомни, педрилка от 20:22.
ВСЕМ ПРЕДОСТАВИТЬ ПОЛНУЮ И НЕМЕДЛЕННУЮ НЕЗАВИСИМОСТЬ ОТ МЕЖДУНАРОДНОГО ОЛИГАРХИЧЕСКОГО КАПИТАЛА. Осетию лишить каких бы то ни было преференций на изготовление фальшивой водки и пущай катятся ко всем чертям, хоть к Саакашвили, хоть дету морозу!
Сейчас набегут грузины и начнут с пеной у рта доказывать, что никакого геноцида в 1981-1920 гг. на территории "Самачабло" не было, а была всего лишь гуманитарная операция по прививанию местным дикарям европейских ценностей, которых их лишило 144-летнее пребывание в составе азиатской России.
ЭЦН,а что-за у тебя странная дата 1981-1920 ? Яж говорю,что ты с головой невладах! :))
это игра такая? признайте!- не признаем!
Международная политика русского царизма-одна сложная цепь самых н
Мойша Израилевич Бланк Ульянов Ленин Владимир Ильич. Наполовину - Илюмжинов, на другую половину - Фрадков.
Какой русским с того навар?
А никакого.
Ну хочется пощекотать нервишки
Вчера на 1 телеканале шел сериал, в котором разбогатевший хам вылил на мужика тарелку с солянкой. Поиздевавшись над облитым, поблагодарил его за развлечение.
Свободу Южной Осетии и Абхазии!!! Даёшь независимость от американских грузин (или грузинских американцев)!!!
А мы будем как либерасты медитировать, медитировать, глядишь независимость и наступит.
"Константинополь должен быть наш!" Ф.М. Достоевский.
Забирайте. И нехай там правит Раскoльников. Топор ему в руки!
Вообще то до 15 века Константинополь входил в Российскую Империю.
Откуда у россиян такая неутолимая империалистическая мания ?
Своей же территории больше, чем у кого-бы то ни было....Крым, Приднестровье, Осетия, Абхазия. И без прямой поддержки из Кремля не лаяли бы так сепаратисты нагло!
Оставьте народам право самим решать свою судьбу
Интересно, а чем нежелание жить в Грузии напоминает тебе лай? Вроде бы осетины не собираются проводить карательных рейдов по грузинским селам, так в чем проблема?
Не у россиян, а у россионцев.
Вроде и так всех все устраивает
СО и Абхазия независимы и живут по-своему. Россия держит там миротворцев и повышает свое самомнение. Грузия имеет удобную проблему, на которую всегда можно отвлечь внимание народа (а также удобного внешнего врага) и привлечь внимание мировой общественности. При этом реально там почти никто не воюет, никого не убивают, не совершаются вылазки на территорию противника и т.лд
Оставив в стороне юридическую сторону вопроса, может кто объяснит, а чего его так злит нежелание кого-то быть в составе Грузии?
Одних черножопых гонят из России , других других хотяк присоеденить , что бы потом гнать ...:))
Historical Issue on the Legal Status of the territory of ex-Autonomous Region of South Ossetia (Summery)
Historical Issue on the Legal Status of the Territory of ex-Autonomous Region of South Ossetia (SUMMARY) This work is addressed to the Security Council of UN, Constitutional Court of the Russian Federation (CC of Russia), Russian Duma and the Parliament of Georgia. As is generally known, members of Russian Duma and South Ossetian separatists raised a question concerning the status of so-called South Ossetian Republic before the CC of Russia. In June, 2004 they received an answer according to which Russia has no right to annex « South Ossetia » under any circumstances envisaged by international, Russian and Georgian laws since this territory de jure represents an integral part of Georgia. And the territorial integrity of Georgia has been recognized by the whole world. Only Georgia can grant an independence to « South Ossetia », underlined the CC of Russia in its reply. In the beginning of 2006 a leader of South Ossetian separatists declared that he had found a new argument : according to the Kuзuk-Kaпnarjian treaty concluded between Ottoman and Russian empires in 1774, South Ossetia has entered within Russia. In reality, this treaty tell NOTHING about entrance of « South Ossetia » within Russia, because « South Ossetia » did not exist in 1774. According to different documents and maps, the mentioned territory was and still is an integral part of Shida Kartli (« Central //Inner Kartli », Kartli is a capital province of Georgia). Accordingly, it hasn’t ever entered within Russia. The above mentioned treaty was applicable to contested regions of Crimea and Balkan as well as to navigation in the Black Sea and had no connection with Ossetians who lived in central Caucasus. Most of Ossetians lived and live in the North Caucasus (in Russia), the rest in Transcaucasus (in Georgia). There is an impenetrable chain of Caucasian Mountains between them. The Ossetians (Ossi, As, Yassi) partially are descended from ancient nomade tribes such as Alans, Scythes and Sarmates who in ancient times occupied the territories from Mongolia and Middle Asia till Russian and European steppes. Sometimes they made incursions upon Transcaucasus but never were considered as local tribes there. From the beginning of XIV c. Ossetians were partially expelled by Mongols as well as by some North Caucasian tribes from North Caucasus in the direction of Georgian region of Shida Kartli. Local Georgian princes : Machabeli, Eristavi and Amilakhvari recieved them granting the status of khizani (« fugitive, refugee ») to them. In 1774 Georgia was an independant country. In accordance with the map of Vakhushti Bagration, in 1735 the major part of the North Caucasus was under political hegemony of the Georgian Kingdom. Thus, while North Ossetians like Cabardians were subjected to Georgia, South Ossetians were citizens of the Georgian Kingdom under special status of khizani. According to Georgievsk treaty, concluded between Russia and East Georgia in 1783, Russia granted to Georgia its protectorate and promised to reconquest some Georgian territories occupied by Turkey by that time (by the way, none of engagements were met by Russia). Having violated the treaty of 1783, Russia occupied the whole territory of Eastern Georgia in 1801. The territory of « South Ossetia » is under the control of Ossetian separatists and Russians from 1992. As you know, Georgia restored its independence in 1990 including this separatist region which is the organic part of Georgia from immemorial times. According to numerous ancient documents and medieval maps, the georgian territory, called as « South Ossetia » from XIX century, is an integral part of Kartli, the main Georgian province. When Russia occupied Eastern Georgian Kingdom and abolished Bagration Dynasty’s rule in 1801, many North Caucasian peoples were shaken. They sadly realised the end of the Georgian political hegemony in whole Caucasus and didn’t accept the new Russian hegemony, the cruel and bloody one. While Georgian hegemony was tolerant and cultural, Russian one became blood-thirsty and turned into murderous Caucasian war. Georgian Ossetians also didn’t accept the new unjust Goverment (i. e. the Russian Goverment, which has illegally occupied Georgia) and declared disobedience. That’s why a Russian subcolonel Simonovich made campaigns against Georgian Ossetians in 1802 and obliged them to recognize the new Goverment composed from Georgians (ancient seniors of Georgian Ossetians) and Russian tsarist officials. Simonovich established « the temporary administration » for Georgian Ossetians. A Russian colonel Verkhovskii designed a map of Georgia in 1817 where we can see the mentioned temporary administration but without the city of Tskhinvali. Besides, this administration district is three times lesser than «South Ossetia » which was illegally widen and created by bolsheviks in 1922. In 1830 the extreme north part of Shida Kartli was majorically populated by Ossetians and divided into four pristavstvo. On April 10, 1840 two subdistricts : Ossetian and Toush-Pshav-Khevsurian subdistricts including ouezds (districts) of Gori, Tbilisi and Telavi were formed. All these districts were subordinated to Georgian-Imeretian (i. e. All-Georgian) goubernial Goverment. In 1989 Ossetian separatists illegally renamed the South Ossetian Autonomous Region (District) in South Ossetian Autonomous Republic. On September 20, 1990 they also illegally proclaimed « the Independance of South Ossetian Republic» and requested from Moscow the same status that had Georgia. At the same time, the first and last president of the USSR Gorbachev promised Georgia which was in a way of its independence, to get problems in South Ossetia and Abkhazia. First of all, Georgia annulled all anticonstitutional decisions of Ossetian separatists. But since they continued the “war of law(s)” (i. e. legal dispute), the Parliament of Georgia on December 11, 1990 abolished the South Ossetian Autonomous Region and imposed there a curfew. In response, Ossetian separatists, largely armed by Moscow, began the massacre of local Georgian population. In 1991-1992 the military operation took place between Georgian Police and Russian-Ossetian terrorists and separatists who were military supported by Moscow. Since then peacekeepers are controlling the situation in this region up to now. Due to minority of Georgian peacekeepers, Russian peacekeeper commanders support separatists and freeze the conflict, hamper the peacefull plan of reintegration of seized region into Georgia as well as returning of refugees. There are about 5000 peoples and ethnic groups in the world who have not got their own states. The Ossetians has one state (the Republic of Alania, the ex-Northern Ossetia) and it is impossible to grant them one more state at the expense of the Georgian teritories. There are a lot of free territories in Russia while small Georgia, who’s borders were significantly cutted by tsarist and soviet Russia, has no new territories to grant as a gift. The chain of Caucasian mountains as well as the northern political border of Georgia is natural and from immemorial times it separated the northern barbar world from the most developped southern world. Georgia never permit Moscow to bend the main chain of Caucasian isthmus in order to annex the historical land of Magla Dovleti or Samachablo (the northern part of Shida Kartli) which is also known as South or Georgian « Ossetia » since 1817. The Constitutional Court of Russian Federation must proclaim the impossibility of desintegration of Georgia and renounce the attempt of annexion of « South Ossetia » by Russia. If the CC of Russia supports this idea, then Georgia will contest such a decision in Strassbourg and the Hagues courts until the Russian reactionist forces and Ossetian separatists restart the war against Georgia. As Baltic, Ukrainian, Azerbaidjan, Moldovian, Ingushian and some Chechen population support Georgia, the war will cover the whole Caucasus. We ask the Security Council of UN and the Constitutional Court of Russia to support the democratic Georgia and refuse the possibility to desintegrate the Georgian Republic through Russian annexion of Samachablo. Unresponsible statements of the Russian president V. Putin and the minister of Foreign Affairs of Russia S. Lavrov concerning organisation of Referendums in ethnically cleaned Abkhazia and ex-South Ossetia must be rejected. We ask the Georgian Parliament to restore, in case of necessity, the « South Ossetian Autonomous Region » only within the inner administrative borders as shown in the map (1817-19) by Verkhovskii.
Bil genotsid, no so storini osetin !
v 1920 godu Gruzia bila nezavisimoi stranoi, priznannoi (11.01.1920) de facto Antantoi. I maia 1920 goda bolsheviki vtorglis v priznannuiu DR Gruzii, napali na Tiflisskoe voennoe uchilishe. V otvet voiska maiora Maxaradze vzorvali broneproezd Covetskoi Rossi, kotorii napravlialsia v storonu Tbilisi. V mae gruzini pereshli v nastuplenie i 18 chisla vignali agressora, bolee togo, presledovali do Akstafi, chtobi desovietizirovat Azerbaidjan, a v eto vremia Lenin telegrafiroval Jordania : "proshu ne pressledovat voiska Krasnoi Armii". Jordania soglasilsia i otviol gruzinskie voiska iz Sovetskogo AZerbaidjana (iz-za predatelstva turok, soiuznikov Lenina, Azerbaidjan bil zaxvache za dva dnia : 26-28 aprelia 1920 goda). V rozgar leninskoi agresii v Gruzii, kogda gruzini gnalis za krasnimi, Rossia, ne jelavshaia priznat Gruziu (uje priznnanuiu Antantoi), vinudilas podpisat s Gruziei mirnii dogovor s DR Gruzia 07.05.1920. Ona priznala Gruziu vmeste s Abxaziei i Kartli / gde bolsheviki nezakonno sozdali v 1922 godu Iujnuiu Osetiu / (statia 1), otkazalas ot vmeshatelstva vo vnutr. dela Gruzii (st. 2). Odnako bolsheviki 8 maia 1920 goda nezakonno obiavili covetskuiu vlast v Rukskom raione, a 8 iunia t. n. "revkom Iujnoi Ossetii" nezakonno i nekompetentno obiavil ob ustanovlenii Covetsloi vlasti v eshio nesushestvuiushei togda "Iujnoi Osettii". V mae 1920 goda cherez Rokskii pereval v Gruziu vtorglis voiska Krasnoi armii, v sostave kotoroi preoblodali russkie i severnie osetini. Oni atakovali gorod Tsxinvali, v kotoroi togda jili tolko neskolko osetin. Vrag sumel vremenno vignat komendanta goroda kapitana Chkeidze i ego dva gvardeiskix bataliona. Kak svidetelstvuet general Kvinitadze, voorujionnie Bolsheviki viuchili gruzinskii napev i raspevali tak : "ODELIA, DELIA, Vsio chto lejit do Mtsxeta - nasha "! Vrag zastavil gruzinskix osetin voevat protiv Gruzii, priznannoi Antantoi i samoi Sovetskoi Rossiei. Odnako gruzini, gruzinskie azeri, armiane, evrei, osetini i drugie vignali nepriatelia iz Gruzii. 30 oktiabria turki napali na Kars, dvigalis k Erevanu... V Moskve dumali, chto s Armeniei opozdali, no Ordjonikidze vorvalsia v Dashnakskuiu Armeniu pervim, sovietiziroval eio i spas chast Armenii ot turkizatsii. V Moskve, po podstrikatelstvu takogo iroda, kak Ordjonikidze, Gruziu obvinili v ochagstve "mirovoi kontrrevoliutsii" (""Zdes oruduiut frantsuzi, anglichane, zdes Kazim-bei, predstavitel Angorskogo Pr-va...", - pisali o Gruzii bolsheviki). 7 fevralia 1921 goda Antanta priznala Gruziu i De jure. 8 fevralia, Scheinemann, posol Sovetskoi Rossii v Tiflise zaiavil v tifflisskoi presskonferentsii, chto "Rossia rada priznaniu Gruzii i jelaet jit s nei v mire". Piat dnei spustia etix slov posla Lenina v Gruzii, to est 11 fevralia, Cchasti Krasnoi Armii napali na Gruziu s 4 storon i vziali Tiflis 25 chisla. 14 fevralia Lenin prikazival iz Moskvi svoim ordam : "TsEKA sklonno razreshit 11 armii aktivnuiu podderjku vosstania v Gruzii i zaniatie Tiflisa PRI SOBLIUDENII MEJDUNARODNIX NORM (sic _ videleno mnoi- Badri)". Vot tal PONIMALI RUSSKIE MIRNII DOGOVOR S GRUZIEI. I tolko vo vremia nagloi i VEROLOMNOI agressii russkix (dva gruzina : stalin i Ordjonikidze, kak i A. Abashidze i I. Giorgadze, ne predstavliali i ne predstavliaiut Gruziu, eio narod) turki posmeli napomnit gruzinam o svoiom sushestvovanii i potrebovali raioni ARdagana,ARtvina i Batumi. Pravitelstvo Noe Jordania otkazal. Turetskaia delegatsia v Moskve v fevrale podelila s Leninim Gruziu : Lenin otdaval vsio, lishbi turki ne zakrili 5-ii front protiv Gruzii. KOgda gruzini uvideli, kak razbazarival Lenin gruzinskie zemli, to pospeshili v Batumi (vsio ravno prishlos ubegat) i obiavili tam Sovetskuiu vlast. Da, da, da samo gruzinskoe pravitelstvo, kotorogo bolsheviki nazivali menshevikami, obiavilo Batumi i ego okrestnosti sovetskoi, lish bi sposti xotia bi ego. Tak, turki ostanovilis pod Batumi i potrebovali tam 'xitiabi" avtonomiu! Vot tak "spasala" Rossia Gruziu po Georgievskomu traktatu! A TEPER O ROLI i o DEIANIAX gruzinskix osetin v etoi leninskoi AGRESSII. Tak vot, bolshinstvo gruz. osetin podderjival DR Gruzia. Bolsheviki sumeli prevratit v terroristi tolko maluiu chast gruzinskix osetin, drugix ne zastavili. Bolsheviki daje gruzin Dusheti natravili protiv Tiflisskogo Pravitelstva. tak nazivaemie "Vosstania" dushetskix gruzin i iujnix osetin bilo jestoko podavleno v iune 1920 goda i vot chto skazal ob etom pribivshie sentiabre 1920 goda v Tiflise vidneishie evropeiskie politiki (Mac Donald, Vanderveld, Renaudel, de Brouker i dr) : "GRuzia - gosudarstvo na Kavkaze, kotorii luchshe vsex organizovano. Xotia ona i sotsialisticheskaia, no eio narod i pravitelstvo sumeli obuzdat agressiu bilshevikov i stoiko soprotivliaiutsia kommunisticheskoi zaraze" (Renaudel, ministr inostrannix del Frantsii). A vot chto govoriat segodnia ob etom je osetinskie separatisti i moskovskie derjimordi : - gruzini ustroili genotsid osetinam ! Sprashivaiu: razve Gruzia vinovata v tom, chto Lenin vviol voiska imenno v zaselionnix osetinami, azerami i armianami (podavliaiushee olshinstvo abxazov togda podderjivali gruzin, voznenovideli bolshevikov) gruzinskix raionax ????? A chto Gruzii ostavalos v 1920 godu delat protiv xlinuvshego na nego cherez voenno-gruzinskuiu dorogu i rokskogo perevala xishnego soseda ? Esli bi ne otvaga voisk Gruzii, to Gruzia bila bi sovietizirovana ne 25 fevralia 1921 goda, a v Iune 1920 goda! Eto kriminalnaia bolshevitskaia Rossia i chast gruzinskix osetin-terroristov ustoili Gruzii (ne tolko eio kulture, iaziku, istorii)genotsid, unichtojili mnogo gruzin v Tsxinvali. Vot eto bil genotsid, i nastaivaiu nekotorim gruzinskim degeneratam, visvechivaiushimsia vo vlasti Gruzii, chto veshi nazvali svoimi imenami tak, kak ia eto zdelal.
i esio,
Daje gluxoi i nemoi mogut poniat, chto pravda lejit na storone tolko Gruzii i chto Rossia prodoljaet pokasti protiv Gruzii temi je drevnimi metodami (natravlivaia tupuiu chast abxazo-osetin protim Gruzii). Obrusevshie russkie osetini i abazini (abazini te-je abxaztsi, vernee 20 % abxaztsev : ostanaia chast imeet gruzinskoe proisxojdenie) doljni soglasitsia so mnoi. Net drugogo vixoda. Tolko v Gruzii vasha plot soxronil natsionalnii oblik. Pri Staline, nesmotria nexvatki texnicheskix shkolnix knig (matematika, priroda, fizika ...) na gruzinskom iazike - takix knig ne bolo togda ni po osetinski, ni po abxazski - gruzinskie shkolniki podelilis imi so svoimi osetinskimi i abxazskimi shkolnikami. TEm bolee, chto poslednie v Gruzii togda luchshe govorili po-gruzinski, chem po-russki. A eto segodnia separatisti predstavliaiut kak "zakritie gruzinami abxazskix (i osetinskix) shkol". Deistvitelno, sovesti u etix padletsov absoliutno net! Dikariami bili i takovimi ostalis ! Razve ix v Evropu zatashesh ? Oni luchshe v gazovuiu kameru zaidut chem v Evropu! Vot s takimi melkimi xishnikami, pooshriamimi bolshim severnim xishnikom, i prixoditsia jit v Gruzii. Est priznannie granitsi mejdu Gruziei i Rossiei i nado ix sobliudat, a ne nezakonnie korabli i poezda puskat, voorujat! A teper Putin v Suxumi aeroport otkrivaet. Na zlo Gruzii. Vzamen potrebuet ot Gruzii pustit v WTO. Kak mojno puskat takogo xishnika v tsivilizovannii dom ?! Obiasnite pojaluista eto ! A teper o nashix xishnikax. Neujeli net takix abxaztsev i osetin, kotorie besstrashno skazali bi pravdu svoim separatistam ? Kuda oni delis, neujeli vse ozvereli ? Kto dast im gruzinskie zemli, pochemu ne xotiat sosushestvovat s gruzinami i s ostalnim 80 natsmenshinstvom gruzinskim v Gruzii ? Ved mozgi cheloveku dani dlia razmishlenia.
I nakonets...
Vot v kakuiu Rossiu lezut separatisti Gruzii : (iz slov odnogo iz uchastnika diskussii)"Одних черножопых гонят из России, других других хотяк присоеденить, что бы потом гнать ...:))". Da delo ni vtom, chto u etogo anonima zadnitsa jioltogo tsveta, ili v tom, chto chiornojopimi iavliaiutsia i Sofia Loren, Jina Lolombrijida, daje Alen Delon i mnogie drugie. A delo v tom, chto KAK TOLKO abxazia o "Iujnaia Osetia" prisoediniatsia s Rossiei, ix postignet snachalo polnaia russifikatsia (kak i narodam Sibiri), a zatem fizicheskoe ustranenie (bolee neposlushnix) i fizicheskaia assimiliatsia (kak s Ubikhami i dr. narodami Kavkaza). A v Abxazii, gde bilo 46 % gruzin i 17 % abxaztsev, v pravitelstve bilo 2 ministra-gruzina i 8 ministra-abxaza. i tak dalee. Daje detei abxazskix luchshe kormili v shkolax (X sred. abxazskaia v Suxumi) i detsadax (sad im. Kurchenko). Mi, eshio shkolniki, sami xodili, sravnivali eti abxazskie zavedenia s gruzinskimi, i inogda udavalos deshevle no ponasitnee v tamoshnix bufetax poest. Vot tak bilo v deistvitelnosti, a segodnia separatisti dumaiut, chto v "nezavisimix" abxazii i Iujnoi Osetii Lujkov im novie, reaktivnie, tsifrovie bufeti postroiut, na zlo gruzin...
I nakonets -2
Alain Delon a ne Alen. Ia po russkoi transliteratsii pishu. Zdes-je prinoshu izvinenia za grammat i stillist oshibki i osobenno za neispolzovania kirillitsi (skoro smogu pereiti na kirilitse).
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